Health and Safety
This is a statement of general policy and arrangements for Kerry On Dancing.
Kerry On Dancing will actively maintain and promote good health and safety procedures and will:
- Maintain safe and healthy work conditions.
- Provide adequate control of the health and safety risks at our school.
- Be open to comments and suggestions from our employees, students and their parents on matters relating to health and safety.
- Provide information, instruction and supervision for employees and students and make them aware of this policy.
- Ensure all employees are capable of doing their tasks, hold any required qualifications, and that they receive adequate training.
- Record any harm or injuries that occur in an Accident Book and make changes where required to avoid similar incidents in the future.
- Regularly review and update this policy.
If you are attending classes it is your responsibility to:
- Seek the approval of your doctor before participating in the activities, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions.
- Discuss any specific medical conditions or limitations to your participation with the teacher.
- Follow any instructions given by the teacher to ensure your safety or that of others.
- Participate to the level at which you feel comfortable.
- Stop dancing at any point if you feel the need.
- Stop for a drink of water whenever you feel the need.
- Wear footwear which is secure on your feet and neither grips excessively nor is too slippery to enable you to dance safely. Seek advice from the tutor if in doubt.
- Wear clothing which is suitable to enable you to dance safely and comfortable – Seek the advice of the tutor if in doubt.
Kerry Tite has overall responsibility for health and safety.
Kerry Tite is First Aid at work trained.
Kerry Tite has day-to-day responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practice.
Kerry Tite carries a First Aid kit and an Accident Book
In the case of an emergency or serious injury, please contact the emergency services on 999.
This policy was last reviewed on 01/03/2024
Name: Kerry Tite
Job Title: Principal